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Steam Railways - Paintings by Roger Beckwith

forth bridge | ais gill | dean goods | kings cross | gwr star | castle in cutting | crowcombe heathfield


An A4 Crosses the
Forth Bridge

25" x 30", Alkyd, 2000 

An A4 on the Forth Bridge

4472 at Ais Gill

25" x 30", Alkyd, 1999

4472 at Ais Gill

A Dean Goods on
Passenger Duty

20"x16", Alkyd, 1991

A Dean Goods

Kings Cross Station
in the 1930s

25"x30", Alkyd, 1999  

Kings Cross

A GWR Star Races
a Storm

20"x24", Alkyd, 1991

A GWR Star Races a Storm

A Castle in the Cutting

20"x30", Alkyd, 2000

A Castle in the Cutting

Crowcombe Heathfield

20"x30", Alkyd, 2001 

Crowcombe Heathfield

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forth bridge | ais gill | dean goods | kings cross | gwr star | castle in cutting | crowcombe heathfield

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Paintings copyright Roger Beckwith 1991-2001. All rights reserved.
Last modified November 3rd 2002.